The ABA Book Club Reviews – Siddharta by Hermann Hesse


Every month we review and recommend a great book for you to practice reading in English. The language in these books is not complex from a literary point of view, but they do require a certain level of understanding.

These book reviews will…

– tell you about a great book to read
– teach you new vocabulary
– start discussions with our ABA English community readers

Today’s review is Hermann Hesse’s Siddharta.

Reading Level Advanced
Genre Fiction
Length (pages) 108
Original Date of Publishing 1922


Originally written in German by Hermann Hesse, Siddartha has become a beloved novel in the English-speaking world. It takes places in India during Buddha‘s lifetime. Siddharta is a young man who seeks knowledge, always finding himself dissatisfied and unfulfilled by the moral precepts of the spiritual teachings and accepted methods of learning. He first joins a group of ascetics but decides it is not the right path for him. Siddartha declines to join the Buddha’s followers after meeting Gotama the Buddha.  He then goes off on his own journey to find truth and knowledge but gradually slips into a life full of hedonism and materialism.

Disgusted with the self-absorbed life he’d been living, Siddartha leaves his material possessions to become an apprentice for a ferryman. He learns some of the most valuable lessons from the river itself. Siddartha comes to learn that life’s lessons are best learned through one’s personal struggle to discover truth.

Many English language learners will find this novel’s simplistic and repetitive style a great way to learn vocabulary. Although it is listed as an advanced level book, don’t let that stop you; it is written in simple language. You should definitely consider reading this book even if you are in the Intermediate to Upper Intermediate levels! Start with the first few pages. If you find that there are more than 10 words on the first page that you do not understand then it is not the right level for you. You may be surprised by how much English you really know!

TWEET IT OUT: I’m a member of the ABA English Book Club and I just read the review for Siddharta by Hermann Hesse #ababookworm


Seeks – (verb) to search for (someone or something).

Precepts – (noun) a rule that says how people should behave.

Ascetics – (noun) someone who relates to or has a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure.

Path – (noun) a way of living or proceeding that leads to something.

Hedonism – (noun) the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life.

Disgusted – (adj.) very annoyed or angry about something : feeling or showing disgust.

Self-involved – (adj.) only caring about and interested in yourself.

Apprentice – (noun) a person who learns a job or skill by working for a fixed period of time for someone who is very good at that job or skill.

Valuable – (adj.) very useful or helpful.

Struggle – (verb) to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems.


To read more reviews and find out where to buy this book, if you think you’d enjoy reading it, visit Goodreads.

Do you have a special book you would recommend to your friends? Let us know!

No comments

  1. Hello Aba!

    How are you?

    It seems very good method so that each 2 times a month to tell us books to read and practice the language.

    I have not read any book of Siddartha.

    Have a good weekend!


  2. Hello ABA,
    it is my first time here, so…thank you for this tip…I am very excited and I wiil buy this book to read.

    • Thanks Elizabeth! It’s lovely to meet you.

      We really enjoyed this book, we hope you do too! Soon we will be reviewing some more.

      Let us know if there is a book or topic you’re interested in so we can give you some recommendations. Reading in English is a great way to practice!

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