Reading Comprehension: “The English Breakfast”


One of the most famous British meals is the English Breakfast. It’s a substantial meal, best enjoyed on the weekend. Then you have time to prepare, enjoy and not fall asleep at work!

It’s also often served in hotels as a treat.

What do you need?

  1. Fried Egg
  2. Bacon
  3. Hash Brows
  4. Bread
  5. Mushrooms
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Sausages

You can also eat baked beans, black pudding or have mashed potato. If you decide to have everything, the breakfast is called a Full Monty.

Of course, being a traditional English meal, the preferred drink is English Breaffast tea.This tea is made from teas that originate all over the world, from Assam, Ceylon and Kenya. It’s one of the most popular teas in Britain, thanks to Queen Victoria.

The origin of this hearty breakfast are unclear and believed to originate in rural England as a sustaining meal to carry workers through a long morning. It is also believed that the English had two main meals, breakfast and dinner, so they needed a big breakfast!

Remember that this is not a very healthy meal, so only eat it occasionally.

What is the most traditional breakfast in your country? We’d love to know!


Substantial – large in amount, size, or number.

Treat – to deal with or think about (something) especially in a particular way.

Hash brows – boiled potatoes that have been cut up, mixed with chopped onions and fat, and fried until brown.

Black pudding – a very dark sausage that contains a lot of blood; also called black sausage.

Full Monty – British expression that means “the whole thing”. It is used a lot in the North of England.

Preferred – to like (someone or something) better than someone or something else.

Hearty – large enough to satisfy hunger.

Sustaining – to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist, continue, etc.

No comments

  1. Very interesting… I’ll never stop learning new things!
    I think that a Full Monty is not a light meal and it surely needs a lot of efforts inside the stomach eh eh
    In Italy the tradizional breakfast consists of a cup of coffee or a cappuccino and a brioche: not enough to arrive till lunch, but our old habit is this..
    I have changed my tradition and I’ve chosen a light and energetic breakfast: fruit juice and whole fruit till lunch, without any limitation. This is a healthy way of dealing with daily mornings..and I feel very well.

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