Lessons from an Ancient Mime

Hello, how are you?

Do you know what a mime is? A mime is someone who does performances without speaking. It’s a form of entertainment in which a performer plays a character or tells a story without words by using body movements and facial expressions.

Publilius was a mime. He was originally from Syria but was taken to Italy as a slave. There he started acting and even performed in front of Julius Caear in 46BC.

Publilius said that “Practice is the best of all instructors”. And we agree 100%! In our 10 inspiring tips to learn English post, number 10 was “practice, practice, practice”. It’s the only way to become better at something.

So this is our inspiration tip for today: P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E. A small, fun way to practice at home is to say the name of every object you see in English out loud. Especially if you’re shy, this is a great way to practice pronunciation.

So, from Publilius and ABA English, remember that practice makes perfect!

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