
Vocabolario – Phrasal Verbs per mangiar fuori

A chi non piace andare fuori a mangiare? A nessuno quanto il nostro personaggio Tim Jacobs, che mangia fuori 4 volte a settimana, giudicando sapore e aspetto del cibo: è cioè un food critic.
Diamo un’occhiata insieme al testo che segue: fai attenzione ai Phrasal Verbs che compaiono, e prova a dedurne il significato senza sbiriciare subito al vocabolario sotto.

Per altri Phrasal Verbs che riguardano il cibo, dai un’occhiata qui.  E ora iniziamo!

Tim Jacobs is New York’s hottest food critic. He certainly has made a name for himself mostly on his stringent method of judging restaurants and small eateries. Tim is different from other critics in that his approach is based on a set of personal rules he follows once entering a restaurant and sitting down , from how long food is cooking away in the kitchen to how long it takes the chef to chop up his vegetables and meats. Tim eats out 4 times a week in different restaurants based in New York. He locals little diners for a simple fry as well as five star restaurants where he judges on the final plate up and especially the service offered. Tim tells us that even though the food looks and tastes great in many places, he is not able to just tuck into his food as he needs to sample and savour each ingredient before deciding on the quality of the food.

So, for all those chefs who would like to have great reviews for their restaurants published in the paper and to have their guests splash outfor a meal,be careful to not let your food boil over in the pot. Make sure you peel off the non eadible bits of skin from vegetables with precision. Slice up the cuts of meat as if you were serving royalty, because you never know when Tim Jacobs might be watching.


Eat out – mangiare fuori.

Sit down – sedersi (a tavola), prendere posto.

Cook away – cucinare, mettersi ai fornelli, preparare da mangiare.

Chop up – tagliare a dadini, sminuzzare.

Fry upto fry vuol dire ‘friggere’ con olio o grasso. Il fry-up (sostantivo) è una frittura.

Plate up – mettere il cibo in un piatto in modo da poterlo servire.

Tuck into – mangiare con entusiasmo perché si ha molta fame e/o perché si sta assaporando il cibo al massimo.

Splash out – spendere, scialare denaro.

Boil over – traboccare.

Peel off – sbucciare, spelare.

Slice up – affettare.

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