
Recensione libro – The Fault in our Stars di John Green

Qui ad ABA English, cerchiamo sempre di variare i modi per imparare ed esercitarsi con l’inglese, e un buon metodo è quello di leggere libri. Non si tratta di libri troppo complessi dal punto di vista narrativo, tuttavia richiedono un certo livello di comprensione della lingua inglese.

Qui ti presentiamo The Fault in our Stars, un romanzo di John Green che parla di Hazel, una ragazza di 16 anni a cui viene diagnosticato un cancro terminale, che si innamora di Augustus, che ha sopravvissuto allo stesso tumore. Si tratta di un libro bellissimo, tra l’altro bestseller #1 secondo il New York Times, il Wall Street Journal, Indie Bestseller, e molti altri.

Se non volessi leggere il libro, guarda il film! In inglese, ovviamente!

Reading Level Advanced
Genre Fiction
Length (pages) 318
Original Date of Publishing 2012

At 16, Hazel Grace Lancaster, a three-year stage IV–cancer survivor, is clinically depressed. To help her deal with this, her doctor sends her to a weekly support group where she meets Augustus Waters, a fellow cancer survivor, and the two fall in love.

Both kids are preternaturally intelligent, and Hazel is fascinated with a novel about cancer called An Imperial Affliction. Most particularly, she longs to know what happened to its characters after an ambiguous ending. To find out, the enterprising Augustus makes it possible for them to travel to Amsterdam, where Imperial’s author, an expatriate American, lives.

We would love to tell you what happens when they meet him, but you will have to read the book! Suffice it to say, it is significant. Writing about kids with cancer is an invitation to sentimentality and pathos. Happily, Green is able to transcend such pitfalls in his best and most ambitious novel to date.

It is a beautifully written book and the story artfully examines life’s biggest questions of love and death with sensitivity, intelligence, honesty, and integrity. Throughout the book, the author John Green shows his readers what it is like to live with cancer, sometimes no more than a breath or a heartbeat away from death.

This novel is a great success and has been acclaimed all over the world. Are you going to read it?


Survivor – sopravvissuto, superstite.

Deal – affrontare, avere a che fare con.

Support group – gruppo di sostegno.

Fellow – persona, tizio, tale.

Preternaturally – fuori dal comune, eccezionale, preternaturale.

Enterprising – intraprendente, ambizioso, audace.

Suffice it to say – espressione che significa “basta dire” o “è sufficiente dire”.

Transcend – trascendere, superare, oltrepassare.

Pitfalls – solitamente usato al plurale, significa insidie, trappole, tranelli.

Artfully – ingegnosamente, in maniera astuta, abilmente.

Heartbeat – battito del cuore.

Acclaimed – acclamato, applaudito.

Il libro

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