
Recensione libro – The Crossroads of Should and Must di Elle Luna

Il libro che ti consigliamo oggi nell’ABA Book Clup si chiama The Crossroads of Should and Must di Elle Luna, una designer di app convertitasi en una scrittrice. Si tratta di un manuale illustrato e di grande ispirazione che ti aiuterà a riconoscere e seguire la tua passione.

Reading Level Upper Intermediate
Genre Self-help
Length (pages) 176
Original Date of Publishing 2015

Who hasn’t asked the question “How can I find and follow my true calling?” Elle Luna frames this moment as “standing at the crossroads of Should and Must.” “Should” is what we feel we ought to be doing, or what is expected of us. “Must” is the thing we dream of doing, our heart’s desire. And it was her own personal journey that inspired Elle Luna to write a brief online manifesto that, in a few short months, has touched hundreds of thousands of people who’ve read it or heard Elle speak on the topic.

Here’s a short excerpt from the book:

“And if, for some awful reason, you forget that money is a game, a make-believe concept that some people invented, you could be led back into the complex layered world of Should. And here, the loss isn’t a financial one. You are the cost. Is it worth it?”


True – vero, reale, genuino.

Calling – vocazione, inclinazione, richiamo.

Frames – formulare, esprimere.

Ought – ha significato simile a “should” e viene impiegato nello stesso modo ma è meno frequente e più formale. Di solito dopo le forme negative “ought not” e “oughtn’t” non si usa “to”.

Desire – desiderare, bramare, aspirare.

Brief – breve, conciso, rapido.

Touched – da “touch” = toccare, colpire, commovuere.

Excerpt – estratto, passo/brano scelto.

Loss – perdita. Si usa di solito con “of”= “loss of”.

Il libro

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