
Recensione libro – Chasers of the Light di Tyler Knott

A noi di ABA English piace tanto leggere, che tempo fa abbiamo deciso di fondare l’ABA Book Club, in cui ti proponiamo alcuni dei nostri libri preferiti con clui potrai esercitarti a leggere in inglese, ampliare il proprio vocabolario e sì… la propria immaginazione.

Quello di oggi è un libro di poesia moderna. Ti piace la poesia? All’autore Tyler Knott, sì: iniziò a scrivere poesia quando aveva 12 anni. Anni più tardi, ha pubblicato: Chasers of the Light: Poems from the Typewriter Series.

Tyler Knott non è solo poeta, ma anche fotografo professionista e artista.

Reading Level Advanced
Genre Poetry
Length (pages) 144
Original Date of Publishing 2014

One day, Tyler Knott was in an antique store in his hometown when he came across a vintagetypewriter for sale. Without thinking, he put a page of the book he was planning to buy in the typewriter and typed a short poem. This is how the book started: during the next three years, Knott wrote over 1000 poems and haikus on small pieces of paper, such as receipts.

Chasers of the Light is a compilation of these poems. They are insightful and beautifully written. In fact, the Book Dilettante review says “I would give this book to anyone I’d like to convince to start reading poetry.”

Here is one of Knott’s beautiful poems:

We have time to take,
there are hours and days unitl
There is warmth left
and still light to bathe in.
We do not yet need to fear
the cold.

Isn’t that lovely? Such simplicity in his work, and such depth. A great book to show the world that poetry is not dead.


Antique – antico, d’epoca.

Vintage – antico, vintage; d’annata.

Haikus – un tipo di poesia giapponese, composta da 17 sillabe.

Receipts – ricevuta.

Insightful – acuto, arguto, profondo.

Warmth – calore, ardore; intensità.

Depth – profondità.

Il libro

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