
Recensione libro – Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Oggi il libro che consigliamo si chiama Big Magic e la sua autrice è Elizabeth Gilbert. Può darsi che abbia già sentito nominare il suo nome per via del suo grande successo: Eat, Pray, Love, tradotto ormai in oltre 30 lingue. 

Reading Level Advanced
Genre Self-help
Length (pages) 288
Original Date of Publishing 2015

Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. In Big Magic, Gilbert explores her own creative process and shares her wisdom and perspective on the topic. As always, her profound empathy shines through the book, which is packed with insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration.

As the review from Wichita Eagle says: “Part pat-on-the-back, part slap-in-the-face, [Big Magic is] a permission slip for readers to stop making excuses and get to work… a fresh and modern surprise that fans of her work will relish.”

“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

Big Magic, which became an instant #1 New York Times Bestseller, is just what it says in the title: magic. Read it and tell us what you think!


Walks of life – un’espressione che indica persone di posizioni sociali e lavorative diverse

Drawn – Past Participle di to draw – estrarre, trarre; attirare.

Empowerment –  potere, senso di legittimazione.

Pat-on-the-back – pacca sulla spalla.

Permission slip –  autorizzazione scritta.

Relish – piacere, apprezzamento, soddisfazione, gioia.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Book


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