International Day of the Girl


It’s Friday today, are you looking forward to the weekend? We sure are!

In an interview by HuffPost to Eliana Stanislawski, the United States Actions Coordinator for IDC:

“We need a Day of the Girl.

Girls experience inequality in every aspect of our lives. It is vital that our society not forget the massive amount of girls not enrolled in school, not receiving equal opportunities in athletics, being discouraged from reporting assault, being forced to marry or work in the before the legal age, or being brainwashed to think that their physical appearance and sexual desirability is their most important value.

There are a shockingly large amount of ways that the female gender is oppressed in our society and shockingly small amount of attention being paid the issues of young girls. That’s why there is this Day.

We need to open our eyes and take action against these injustices.”

Day of the Girl is looking for people to take initiative in bringing these issues to light and help women all over the world fight for equal rights.

Interested? Click HERE.

If you want to know how this day has helped girls, Eliana tells us:

“From this movement girls become empowered and experience efficacy. Girls are able to take action on the specific issues they feel most passionately about in order to make real change in their communities. For example, they can boycott (or girlcott, as we like to call it) sexist attire, volunteer and a womens’ and childrens’ shelter, or contact their elected officials to pass bills. Not only do they get to make an impact on others, but girls can learn to see themselves as powerful change-makers, who understand that their voices matter.

Someday, we hope the movement will drive the end to the discrimination and complacency weighing down our society, so you could say that girls will benefit from the end of sexism. Imagine a society that isn’t constricted by two genders.”

We are so inspired by this movement and wanted to share with all of you! As a small step, support through liking their Facebook page.


7d6ebbf7-d537-45fb-9b13-31cf7bd95b31_300-DayoftheGirlVital – extremely important.

Massive – large in amount or degree.

Enrolled – to enter (someone) as a member of or participant in something.

Assault – the crime of trying or threatening to hurt someone physically.

Brainwashed – to cause (someone) to think or believe something by using methods that make a person unable to think normally.

Oppressed – to treat (a person or group of people) in a cruel or unfair way.

Empowered – to give power to (someone).

Efficacy – the power to produce a desired result or effect.

Boycott – to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting.

Attire – clothing.

Bills – a written description of a new law that is being suggested and that the lawmakers of a country, state, etc., must vote to accept before it becomes law.

Complacency – a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better : a complacent feeling or condition.

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