English Reading Comprehension – Learning another language keeps your brain young!


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The following article from BBC News is about a new study that shows how learning a second language can help slow your brain’s aging. How great is that? We should all keep learning more and more languages!

Keep reading to find out more and check the vocabulary below to understand difficult words.

Learning second language ‘slows brain ageing’

Learning a second language can have a positive effect on the brain, even if it is taken up in adulthood, a University of Edinburgh study suggests. Researchers found that reading, verbal fluency and intelligence were improved in a study of 262 people tested either aged 11 or in their seventies.

A previous study suggested that being bilingual could delay the onset of dementia by several years.

“Millions of people around the world acquire their second language later in life. Our study shows that bilingualism, even when acquired in adulthood, may benefit the ageing brain”, said Dr Thomas Bak from the University of Edinburgh.

Using data from intelligence tests on 262 Edinburgh-born individuals at the age of 11, the study looked at how their cognitive abilities had changed when they were tested again in their seventies. All participants said they were able to communicate in at least one language other than English. Of that group, 195 learned the second language before the age of 18, and 65 learned it after that time.

The findings indicate that those who spoke two or more languages had significantly better cognitive abilities compared to what would have been expected from their baseline test. The strongest effects were seen in general intelligence and reading. The effects were present in those who learned their second language early, as well as later in life.

Dr Bak said the pattern they found was “meaningful” and the improvements in attention, focus and fluency could not be explained by original intelligence.

“These findings are of considerable practical relevance. Millions of people around the world acquire their second language later in life. Our study shows that bilingualism, even when acquired in adulthood, may benefit the aging brain”, he added.


Take up – to begin studying or practicing (an activity, subject, instrument, etc.) usually as a hobby.

Fluency – the ability to speak easily and smoothly.

Previous – existing or happening before the present time.

Delay – a situation in which something happens later than it should.

Onset – the beginning of something.

Dementia – a mental illness that causes someone to be unable to think clearly or to understand what is real and what is not real.

Acquire – to get (something) : to come to own (something).

Findings – the results of an investigation.

Indicate – to show that (something) exists or is true.

Baseline – information that is used as a starting point by which to compare other information.

Pattern – the regular and repeated way in which something happens or is done.

Meaningful – having real importance or value.

Considerable – large in size, amount, or quantity.

Relevance – relating to a subject in an appropriate way.

Benefit – a good or helpful result or effect.

How many of YOU are bilingual?

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