Reading Comprehension: “The Decision – Chapter 5”


Ready for the next chapter in the exciting novel “The Decision”?

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Chapter 5

Mike arrives at Sao Paulo and goes through Customs.

There are thousands of people in the airport. A native is holding up a large sign. It reads: Mike Brown.

He stands staring at the sign. He immediately recalls the episode with the suitcase. The other Mr Brown. The one who missed the flight. Someone is expecting him! Without knowing why Mike feels that he has to pass for the other man. It is a strong impulse.

There must be some reason for it, and he decides to follow the impulse. There are just too many coincidences, and Mike doesn’t believe in coincidences. Even less when so many happen at the same time. Why did he choose today to change his life, and why this flight, on the same day that another Mike Brown books the same flight and then doesn’t arrive on time to board the plane? He decides to find out.

He approaches the boy, who inquires him: “Mr Brown?” “Yes, I am, do you speak English?” Mike answers, “Yes, sir, follow me please.”

The boy picks up Mike’s suitcase and leads the way.


sao-paulo-4Native – born in a particular place.

Staring – to look at someone or something for a long time often with your eyes wide open.

Episode – an event or a short period of time that is important or unusual.

Impulse – a sudden strong desire to do something.

Approaches – to move or become near or nearer to something or someone.

Inquiries – a request for information.

Leads – to guide someone to a place especially by going in front.

One comment

  1. Hi H,
    The chapters are starting again next week – come check them out!
    We’re happy you enjoy them!

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