De onde vem a tradição do coelho da Páscoa?

Esta domingo nos países anglo-saxões se celebra a Páscoa (Easter). Hoje, os professores da ABA English vamos te falar sobre o significado e o simbolismo por trás das tradições típicas de Páscoa nos países anglo-saxões. Leia os textos e, em seguida, consulte o vocabulário.

The Easter bunny

The English term Easter comes from the pagan goddess Eostre, worshipped by the Saxons as a protector of fertility and new life.

The goddess Eostre was represented by a hare, or bunny, hence how we got the famous Easter bunnies in English.

easter-1217494_640Easter Eggs’ Symbolism

Why do we give Easter eggs? According to pagan tradition, the eggs symbolize the start of a new life, a new life that is reborn in spring and celebrated with the festival of the equinox. Giving eggs at Easter is a custom which dates back many years. It was originally a pagan tradition but was later adopted by monotheistic religions.

Easter Egg Hunt

On Easter Sunday in Anglo-Saxon countries like the UK or USA, it’s customary to have an Easter Egg Hunt with children looking for hidden Easter eggs.

Families hide the chocolate, painted or plastic eggs filled with treats in their garden or around the house. The children, who think the eggs are from the Easter Bunny, try to find them. Smaller children hide a basket in the garden for the Easter Bunny to leave eggs or other gifts in.

In fact, this tradition of hunting for eggs comes from Germany and spread to many countries such as the UK and USA through the arrival of German immigrants.


Easter: Páscoa
pagan: pagão/na
goddess: deusa
worshipped: venerado/a, adorado/a
hare: lebre
bunny: coelhinho
according to: de acordo com
to be reborn: renascer
spring: primavera
equinox: equinócio
to date back: remontar a, existir desde
customary: habitual
hunt: caçar, buscar
hidden: escondido/a
to hide: esconder
treat: petisco ou lembrancinha
basket: cesta
gift: presente
to spread: espalhar
through: através de


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