objects in english

Most-used words for everyday objects in English

The names of common objects are part of the vocabulary you’ll need to know for day-to-day communication.

Now you may be thinking…but there’s so much to learn! 

Don’t stress; we’ll give you some ideas for tackling this vocabulary and we’ll list 50 words you’re sure to learn quickly.

Household objects in English

When a child learns to speak, the first words he pronounces are the names of people and the objects nearby that make up his daily environment.

Similarly, our first list of objects will be focused on objects in the home. Of course there are many things in a house; but remember, we’re sticking to short lists.

Are you ready?

  • Cupboard
  • Pillow
  • Coffee maker
  • Bed
  • Spoon
  • Blanket
  • Knife
  • Stove
  • Sink
  • Washing machine
  • Pot
  • Dish
  • Fridge
  • Sofa
  • Stool
  • Cup
  • Fork
  • Glass


These words will certainly be easy for you to remember, because they’re things you use at home every day. Now we’ll move on to another environment that’s also common: the classroom.


Classroom objects

Whether you study virtually or in person, it’s always important to know the names of classroom objects.

Of course, if you attend classes in person, you’ll need to refer to many objects, whereas the list could probably be reduced a bit if you study online.

Either way, we’ve chosen a list of the words that seemed most useful.

  • Pen
  • Computer
  • Notebook
  • Desk
  • Pencil
  • Bookcase
  • Book
  • Chair
  • Backpack
  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Door
  • Ruler
  • Clock
  • Whiteboard
  • Window

As you can see, this list isn’t exhaustive. What other words would you add? 


Other objects or common things in English

We’re down to our last 16 words for objects! In this list, we’ve included vocabulary you’ll need to know in your everyday environment.

  • Car
  • Bicycle (bike)
  • Banknote
  • Wallet
  • Blouse
  • Bag
  • Shirt
  • Helmet
  • Toothbrush
  • Key
  • Table
  • Coin
  • Trousers (UK) / Pants (US)
  • Sweater
  • Shoe


And, to finish, we’re going to suggest some simple strategies that will help you remember this vocabulary and put it into practice.


Advice for learning vocabulary for everyday objects

Next, we’ll share some tips for learning the names of objects efficiently:

  1. Create an environment for learning. How can you do that? One of the most-used techniques is to label things so that every time you see them, you’ll remember their name.
  2. Focus on the vocabulary you need the most depending on where you are or what job you’re doing. You can also learn vocabulary related to your hobbies or the activities you like to do most. This will ensure you don’t get bored, since you can combine your vocabulary with the things you like to do.
  3. Make lists of vocabulary by groups. An effective form of studying words and their pronunciation is to create lists by group and tackle them little by little. For example, you can start with all the household objects, then move on to classroom objects, then food, and so on.
  4. Create a daily routine. It’s important that you dedicate time to learn new vocabulary every day. As we’ve shown, it’s not necessary to learn a lot at one time; it’s more important to learn at a steady pace.
  5. Go at your own pace. You don’t have to memorise a list of 100 words at a time. Start with one or two words, try to use them frequently and later add more vocabulary onto those words.
  6. Learn vocabulary in context. For example, when you’re making coffee in the morning you can say:

I’m using the coffee maker to prepare coffee.

I need a cup to serve the coffee. 

I need a spoon for the sugar.


We hope that these tips and the vocabulary we’ve included in this article will help you continue on your path of improving your language abilities.

ABA English is a digital language academy that enables you to learn vocabulary in a natural and immersive manner. 

With our course in English, you’ll not only have access to all our lessons, but you can also take advantage of conversation classes that allow you to achieve the level of communication you desire. Also, ABA English is available on any device, which allows you to take your course whenever you want and wherever you find yourself.


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