The Parts of the Body in English and Their Pronunciation

Maybe you know a few words relating to the human body in English, like nose, legs, or eyes. However, you’ll need to learn a little more to express yourself fluidly, especially if you’re on vacation in an English speaking country and have an emergency.

For example, do you know how to say that your head hurts in English? Or how to talk about an internal organ? Don’t worry. In this article, we’re going to share some tips and vocabulary with their correct pronunciation so you can communicate effectively about body parts in English.




The Basic and Visible

The part we take the most care of is our heads, especially our faces. That’s where most of our senses are, which are indispensable for communication and perceiving the external world.

Next, we’ll share a list of the parts of the head and face in English:


Part Pronunciation
Face feɪs
Mouth maʊθ
Head hɛd
Hair yes
Ear ɪə
Chin n
Jaw ʤɔː
Neck nɛk
Forehead ˈFɒrɪd
Eyes aɪz
Beard bɪəd


And here are some useful phrases about body parts:

Your face is all red.

Her eyes are beautiful. 

My ears hurt.

Sara says her mouth is dry. 

I got stung by a bee on the nose.


Limbs in English

Limbs are indispensable for mobility, handling objects, work, and interacting with the outside world, among other things. Look at the table below to familiarize yourself with the details of limbs in English.


Part Pronunciation
Leg lɛg
Arm ɑːm
Hand hænd
Finger ˈfɪŋgə
Toe təʊ
Foot/ feet  fʊt/ fiːt
Ankle ˈæŋkl
Wrist rɪst
Elbow ˈɛlˌboʊ
Knee Knee
Heel ni
Shoulder ˈʃoʊldər


Look at some examples of phrases including parts of extremities:

She crossed her arms.

I ran a lot; now I can’t feel my legs. 

I have big feet

My right foot is swollen.

My wrists hurt.

I twisted my ankle last week.


Other Parts of the Human Body in English: Internal Organs

These words will also be indispensable at a doctor appointment or even just when something is bothering you. So it’s important to know them well so you can communicate what you’re feeling.


Part Pronunciation
Liver ˈlɪvər
Lungs lʌŋz
Heart hɑrt
Kidney ˈkɪdni
Brain breɪn
Throat θroʊt
Esophagus ɪˈsɑfəgəs
Bladder ˈblædər
Prostate ˈprɑˌsteɪt
Veins veɪnz
Arteries ˈɑrtəriz
Stomach ˈstʌmək

Now check out some examples using the names of internal organs in English:

My heart is pounding fast.

I have a stomachache.

Smoking is bad for your lungs.

Drinking water is good for your kidneys.

You have an enlarged liver.

My brain stores a lot of information.


The Muscles and Bones of the Human Body in English

Your body is a little bit like your house, so it’s important to know your body parts.

The bones are what give your body support, form, and structure. Without them, we’d be gelatinous, which would surely not be very agreeable. They also provide protection, such as in the case of the skull, which is like a helmet that protects your brain that also attaches to your facial muscles.

On the other hand, muscles let us do things like moving objects, transporting ourselves, and specific functions like laughing or chewing.


Part Pronunciation
Bones boʊnz ʧɛst
Muscle ˈmʌsəlz
Chest ʧɛst 
Ribs rɪbz
Spine spaɪn
Femur ˈfimər
Hips hɪps
Skull skʌl
Thigh θaɪ
Calf kæf
Biceps ˈbaɪˌsɛps
Back bæk

Check out some examples with bones and muscles in English:

I have back pain.

She has to go to the doctor to get her thigh checked.

I’m not afraid of human skulls. Actually, skulls protect our brains.

I cannot breathe well since I broke my rib.


More Parts of the Human Body

As you’ve probably realized, the list of body parts is quite long. However, with what you’ve learned, you should be able to have a simple conversation and say what’s going on with your body in English.

Next, we’ll share some more important vocabulary relating to body parts in English:


Part Pronunciation
Skin skɪn
Waist weɪst
Nail neɪl
Thumb θʌm
Eyebrow ˈAɪˌbraʊ
Eyelid ˈaɪˌlɪd
Eyelash Ɪˌaɪˌlæʃ
Tooth / teeth tuθ / tiθ
Fingerprints ˈFɪŋergˌprɪnts
Knuckles ˈNʌkəl 
Voice vɔɪs
Sight  saɪt

We hope you’ve learned quite a bit about body parts in English. Surely you’ll have no problem the next time you need to talk about your body in a medical emergency or everyday conversation.


One comment

  1. Wow..nice article about Parts of body & their pronunciation…keep it up

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