Phrasal verbs com o verbo “to get”

Os phrasal verbs são muito comuns em inglês e se usam diariamente, especialmente na língua falada, por isso é muito benéfico se habituar a usá-los ao falar e ao escrever, bem como compreender o que significam. Lembram que da última vez estudamos phrasal verbs com o verbo “to do“?. Hoje vamos continuar com phrasal verbs que começam com o verbo “to get“.

Vamos dar uma olhada neste curto parágrafo sobre uma escola de mergulho na Tailândia e repare no uso dos phrasal verbs.


  1. Leia
  2. Compreenda o texto
  3. Pratique


“Our diving school on Koh Tao island Thailand has been open for 10 years this summer. We get people of all ages coming to learn to dive and study to be dive masters at our academy. The first thing most people need to get over when they come here is their fear of water. It may surprise you to know just how many people are afraid of getting in the water and staying in it while holding an oxygen tank on their backs and a mask over their faces.

Most people get along fine but there are always a few casualties who just can’t seem to get a grip with all of the equipment and situations they are put through. A good way to get around one’s fear of water is by spending as much time as possible in the water, especially open water. Which is what we try to do from the first day onwards so that our students can get down to business and learn to dive and handle themselves in deep water.

Normally we have people of many different nationalities coming to our school to learn and they all get along well with each other as they all share a common interest. Diving is both fun and exciting and for those who haven’t tried it you really should! Once you are able to get out into the water and float above the beautiful coral and fish, you may feel that you are on another planet. Come visit us here in Thailand for an unforgettable experience!”

Phrasal verbs com “get”

Get over (something) – superar algo ou parar de pensar nisso

Get in – entrar, subir

Get along – progredir, fazer bem algo

Get a grip – controlar-se, conter-se

Get around – superar, resolver

Get down to – começar a fazer algo no sério

Get along with – dar-se bem com

Get out into – adentrar-se em uma zona aberta (o mar, a natureza, etc.)

Lembre-se que aprender phrasal verbs é fácil, você só precisa de prática! Por isso siga aprendendo, you will get along just perfectly!

No campus do ABA English você pode aceder a uma lista muito completa de phrasal verbs acedendo à seção de Gramática Interativa. Inscreva-se grátis:

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