(that’s “Welcome” in French).
Did you know that ABA English has an amazing team of in-house teachers? When a student signs up for our premium English course, they have unlimited access to ask them as many questions as they need. At any time during the course, they are able to email a teacher and receive a detailed response helping them get the most out of their studies. It’s like having a private tutor!
So many of our students ask us questions about their teachers that we have put together a fun interview for them.
Today’s interview is with Martine.
Where are you from?
I was born in England. Now, I live in south-west France.
Describe yourself with 3 adjectives!
Creative – productive – perfectionist
What experience do you have as an English teacher?
I have worked for ABA English for ten years and I also give private lessons in my home.
What inspired you to be an English teacher?
Finding out how difficult it can be to master a second language got me interested in different methods of teaching and learning languages.
What is important when teaching?
It’s important to find out what inspires each individual student and to use this to help to keep students motivated to continue to study regularly.
What do you consider to be the major strength / weakness when expressing yourself in another language?
The hardest skill for most people to master is to understand spoken language quickly enough to hold a spontaneous conversation.
What brought you TO Barcelona (or other city)?
I live near Toulouse, France. I moved to the French countryside from London to try a different way of life ten years ago – and it’s great so I’m staying!
How do you picture yourself in 10 years?
About the same as I am now with a few more grey hairs.
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Hmm, good question. Let me see… My superpower would be telepathy – but always knowing what people are thinking could also have some downsides!
thank you Martine for helping me. You’re a great teacher!! Regards. Piero
Thanks Peter!
Dear Ms Martine Jeffries, 20th November, 2014
I’ll be following your free ABA classes on my PC: I subscribed about two hrs ago.
Unfoetunately I’m going into H this coming Friday, 28th November. I am sorry to
off my PC for some time, till my recovery; say I’ll be able to be on about 15th /16th
Excuse me for my forced being away.
Best ragards, and wishing you all good things.
Yours sincerely, Augusto Odello hrs 14:18 GMT
Hello Augusto, thanks for letting us know! We hope you have a quick recovery.
Grazie Martine per quanto mi hai dato, sei brava e paziente, spero di apprendere ancora tanto , con il tuo aiuto. Sei la migliore insegnante che ho avuto. Tua affezzionatissima Estar
Grazie Estar per le tue parole, sei molto gentile.
Spero davvero ti esserti stata di aiuto e che quanto appreso ti possa servire giorno dopo giorno. Wish you all the best!
Hi Martine,
Thank you for having been so patient with my studing now and then, but you can see that im the last month I have studied 10 units, so I hope to continue with that rythm of English study.
Valdo-Treviso- Italy
Hi Valdo,
Congratulations on your studies! Keep up the good work
Hi Martine,
Thank you for having been so patient with my studing now and then, but you can see that im the last month I have studied 10 units, so I hope to continue with that rythm of English study.
Valdo-Treviso- Italy
Hi Valdo,
Congratulations on your studies! Keep up the good work
Hi Martine, Thank you for
the time that we spend
Hi Martine, Thank you for
the time that we spend
Martine thanks for your work with me, I’m beginning I hope to give you satisfaction. Ilaria
Good luck with your studies, Llaria.
Martine thanks for your work with me, I’m beginning I hope to give you satisfaction. Ilaria
Good luck with your studies, Llaria.
Hi Martine. You are a good teacher. I’m learning a lot of English. Thank you.
‘The dog is barking at him.”Is it possible to change this sentence into passive voice?
Dear Martine
Very fun and interisting interview. It’s a pleasure to work with you.
Hi Martine! You work for the love of it, and you demonstrate it in this interview and in your mails
Thank you for your detailed answer to my questions!
Hi Martine!
You’re a really good English teacher! Since time I’m esteeming you as..”.Martine the Only and the Best!”
Franco (Switzerland)
Hi Martine!
You’re a really good English teacher! Since time I’m esteeming you as..”.Martine the Only and the Best!”
Franco (Switzerland)
Hi Martine!
You’re a really good English teacher! Since time I’m esteeming you as..”.Martine the Only and the Best!”
Franco (Switzerland)
Hi Martine!
You’re a really good English teacher! Since time I’m esteeming you as..”.Martine the Only and the Best!”
Franco (Switzerland)
Hi Martine!! Finally something about your life! I’m very pleased to meet you more deeper. You know in these months I’m being a your fan!
thanks a lot for your professionalism and you kindness.
The best teacher ever! She is helping me a lot. I’ve never got such a great teacher like her. Her explanations are very clear and helpful! I’m so very glad of that!
I think that Martine is such a patient teacher and it’s clear that she loves what she does because when gives advice, you can see that she really wants to help you.
Il mio commento verra’ inviato telepaticamente. Il computer non e’ in grado di supportarlo. Mi dispiace.
Purtroppo I miei complimenti per Martine sono cosi’ tanti che il mio computer non riesce a supportarli.
Verranno inviati telepaticamente. Mi dispiace.
Hello, Martine sono Ettore Andrea, vorrei parlarti per problemi con il programma del corso che
risulta bloccato . Grazie a presto
I enjoy to study with ABAEnglish course, but if I feel so involved is for Martine.
She is a precious person and a good teacher. She always encourage me with her tips and she is very generous also.
Without her my work couldn’t be so good as it is.
Thank you so much.
Martine is one of the most kind and patient I have had so far.
Thanks a lot
Dear Martine. They told me that “Contact a teacher” service no longer exists. I’m really desolate.
I would like to print our lessons. I’ve asked ABA English to let me print them. If you can please contact me. Thank you so much wonderful teacher! Giuseppe.
Hello Giuseppe, we send you an e-mail from our support department and they will find a solution for you:
Dear Martine I’m so sorry I couldn’t follow your live lesson. I really miss “messages to teacher”. It seems to me I have one leg. Giuseppe