Learn English with the News: “Flying over Everest”


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We thought it would be cool to share this latest news item, commemorating the first flight over Everest.


1. Read the text
2. Understand the vocabulary
3. Watch the video


April the 3rd, 1933 – British pilot Douglas Douglas-Hamilton prepares to lead the first flight over Mount Everest. The expedition aimed to enhance British aviation and produce accurate maps of the then largely unexplored area. Eighty years later, Douglas-Hamilton’s grandson, Charles, commemorates that journey over the world’s highest peak – this time as a passenger.

– The area was poorly understood. And other than a few birds and maybe some wild animals, no human beings have been in the area, the maps were inaccurate, so this was really a scientific expedition.

Aviation has been significantly transformed since Douglas-Hamilton’s historic flight and Charles hopes to fly his grandfather’s original route for the centenary celebrations in 2033.


Aeroplanes_image002Pilot – a person who flies an airplane, helicopter, etc.

Lead – to guide someone to a place especially by going in front.

Enhance – free from mistakes or errors.

Accurate – to increase or improve (something).

Unexplored – not yet investigated or explored.

Commemorates – to exist or be done in order to remind people of (an important event or person from the past).

Peak – the pointed top of a mountain.

Significantly – in a way that is large or important enough to be noticed or have an effect.

Route – a way to get from one place to another place.


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