¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!

¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!

Hoy es un día para conmemorar la lucha de las mujeres de todo el mundo por una sociedad con igualdad de condiciones y derechos. En los últimos años se han logrado muchos hitos y se han derribado muchas barreras, pero todavía quedan muchos derechos básicos que conquistar, especialmente en las zonas más desfavorecidas del planeta.

Para celebrar este día vamos a rendir un tributo a cinco grandes mujeres que han hecho mucho por la humanidad, y gracias a las cuales tenemos un mundo un poco mejor hoy en día.

Lee estas breves presentaciones de cinco mujeres importantes y luego consulta el vocabulario nuevo:

marie curie


Marie Curie

She was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867. She moved to Paris where she met her husband, Pierre Curie. Together they discovered the elements polonium and radium. After Pierre’s death, she continued her scientific work and went on to become the first female Head of Laboratory at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She was the first person ever to win two Nobel Peace Prizes: the Nobel Peace Prize for Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Peace Prize for Chemistry in 1911.



Rosa Parks

She was born in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1913. She began the modern civil rights movement after refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in 1955. She was arrested and fined. Later on she boycotted the city’s bus company. Finally her actions caused the Supreme Court to put out a law against racial segregation on public transportation. Later on she received the Martin Luther King Jr. Nonviolent Peace Prize.



Florence Nightingale

She was born in Florence, Italy, in 1820. In 1854, after reading many reports about the poor treatment of sick and injured soldiers in the Crimean War, she travelled to Crimea to see it for herself and discovered the hospitals were crowded and dirty. She used her knowledge of maths and statistics to show the British government that providing better conditions for sick and injured soldiers would help them win the war. She helped create modern nursing techniques.

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Mother Theresa of Calcutta

She was born in 1910 in Skopje (Macedonia). She became a nun in 1937 and in 1950 founded the Missionaries of Charity congregation. They ran hospices, orphanages and charity centres and she devoted her whole life to caring for the poor, the disabled, the sick and the homeless. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.



Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori was born in Ancona, Italy, in 1870. She was the first woman to become a physician in Italy. She worked with mentally handicapped children, figuring out the best methods to interact with them. In 1907 Maria set up “Children’s Houses” for young children where she applied her teaching method which proved to be very successful for children of all ages. This method came to be called the Montessori method and is currently widely used in schools in both Europe and North America.


head: director, jefe, responsable

physics: física

chemistry: química

civil rights: derechos civiles

to refuse: rechazar, negarse

to give up: ceder, rendirse

to fine: multar

to put out: promulgar, publicar

sick: enfermo. The sick: las personas enfermas

injured: herido

crowded: abarrotado

dirty: sucio

knowledge: conocimiento

to provide: proporcionar

nursing: enfermería

nun: monja

hospice: hospicio

to devote: dedicar

to care for: cuidar

disabled: discapacitado. The disabled: las personas discapacitadas.

homeless: sin hogar

to award: conceder un premio

physician: médico

handicapped: discapacitado

to figure out: pensar, idear

to set up: crear, organizar

currently: en la actualidad


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