English Expressions to Show That You Feel Comfortable

One of the most interesting and fascinating aspects of language is the ability to communicate and express emotions. Animals also experience emotions such as affection, fear, anger, and jealousy. But only humans have the privilege of transforming our feelings into words and in some cases even into masterpieces of literature. What about the great variety of languages that exist? There are around 5,000 different languages in the world and each of them brings with it a different way of thinking about and seeing the world.

Each language has its own lexical repertoire that tells us something about the culture and place where it is spoken. What could we say, for example, of the feeling of warmth and relaxation that is felt in front of a beautiful fireplace while it snows outside? Of course this is a feeling we can imagine, especially at this time of year.

What if you were in a house on the mountain of an Anglo-Saxon country with a cup of hot chocolate and your friends? What words would you use to express that feeling of pleasure and well-being? In some languages, there are no specific expressions to describe this sensation that we know well. We usually use exclamations like “I am so comfortable here!” or “I love this!” What would you say in English? Let’s look at some expressions and words to use to describe a night in front of the fireplace.


This word, a synonym for comfort, is generally used to refer to a house that conveys a feeling of warmth and relaxation. The corresponding adjective is cosy.

The fireplace conveyed a cosy lived-in air.


This word is a Danish loan word that expresses the quality of cordiality and intimacy linked to domestic activities such as lighting a candle, baking a cake, or chatting in front of the fireplace. It is a term closely linked to the Danish culture and does not have a direct translation into English.

Winter is a season of high hygge.


This adjective can be translated as cosy and can be used to reference a well-organized, comfortable, and safe place. The noun snug is an authentic term in English and Irish and indicates a small cosy room inside a pub.

We spent the winter in a snug cottage.


This is an abbreviated and informal form of the adjective comfortable. It can be used in reference to any object or place that awakens a sense of comfort.

This sofa where I am sitting is very comfy.

Homely (UK) / Homey (US)

This typically English adjective indicates a cosy place where one feels at home. It means warm, inviting, and homelike.

The hotel where we stayed was homely and nice.


This work is used to indicate a private place with a relaxed and homelike atmosphere.

For our wedding, we chose an intimate and quiet cottage.


This is a loan word from the Persian khwshi (comfort, happiness). It entered the English vocabulary around the 19th century. In informal English, this indicates a situation that is easy to handle. In American English, this is used to refer to furniture and means comfortable.

Nowadays prisons are cushy.

These chairs are cushy.

These are some expressions in English that you can use to indicate that you feel comfortable in a certain environment. If you do not want to limit yourself to learning just the basics of the language, but also want to know the idiomatic expressions and the different ways of expressing emotions and ideas, why not take our online course? ABA English puts at your disposal a natural and effective method to learn English as it is spoken in the different Anglo-Saxon countries with all of its expressive nuances. The course includes 144 grammar video classes and the same number of short films in addition to qualified native teachers. What are you waiting for?

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