English Vocabulary: Idioms and Food Part II – “Bread”

Good morning ABA friends,

Today is part two of our Idioms with Food series. Part One was with the word “egg” and you can find it here.

Suggested exercise: Write down 5 to 10 idioms, make a sentence with them and memorize them. You can post your sentences in the comments’ section and if there are any errors, we will correct them for you!

Right, let’s start:

Idioms with “bread”

As warm as toast – very warm and cozy.
Example: “The office is always lovely and as warm as toast in the winter”

Bread and butter – someone’s income or job used to buy the basic needs of life like food, shelter and clothing.
Example: “In this recession, we are all worried about where to get our bread and butter”

Greatest thing since sliced bread – the greatest thing that has ever existed.
Example: “My grandmother believes that the washing machine is the greatest thing since sliced bread”

Half a loaf is better than none – having a little bit of something is better than having nothing at all.
Example: “I work part time, but I guess having half a loaf is better than no job”

Half-baked – to not be thought through carefully.
Example: “His business ideas are always half-baked, they don’t make financial sense”

Know which side one’s bread is buttered on – to know what is good for you.
Example: “Just make sure you know which side your bread is buttered on before you meet with your boss”


Suggested exercise: Write down 5 to 10 idioms, make a sentence with them and memorize them. You can post your sentences in the comments’ section and if there are any errors, we will correct them for you!

Writing and repeating out loud are two of the best ways to remember a new language and get used to hearing your voice pronouncing it.

Why not get a pen and paper and do it now? Otherwise, it’s possible you might forget.

Write down a couple of sentences, repeat them 5 times and let us know!

And if you’re ready for more, then come have a look at ABA English – we have designed a complete course for you to learn with maximum simplicity, fun and efficiency. You can sign up for free!

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