Learn English with the News: “No Smoking!”


This news item is to celebrate France choosing to eliminate smoking from the beach in Cannes.

1. Read the text
2. Understand the vocabulary
3. Watch the video


People on this beach in Cannes can now enjoy a breath of fresh air. The French city world famous for its film festival slapped a smoking ban on this 840 meter, or 2800 feet strip of sand.

Disposing cigarette litter can now cost smokers a hefty fine of 38 euro – which prompted this woman to light up her last cigarette.

– This is the last one.

The ban is only effective for the beach itself, and smokers can always climb up to the pavement to light up. But its effect already shows says this man, who likes what he sees.

– There are fewer cigarette butts in the sand. For children it’s a good thing.

France banned smoking in most public places in 2007, followed by a ban in 2008 for bars and cafes. Cannes is now one of the first French cities to expand the smoking ban to its shores. But not all are convinced:

– If this is where it is going to be banned, we will go over there, just next door.

And opt to trade beaches instead of choosing to quit.


Slapped – to put (something) on a surface quickly or forcefully.

Ban – to forbid people from using (something) : to say that something cannot be used or done.

Strip – a long, narrow piece of land.

Litter  – things that have been thrown away and that are lying on the ground in a public place.

Hefty – large and heavy.

Pavement – the hard surface of a road, driveway, etc.

Cigarette butt – the end part of a cigarette or cigar that is not smoked.

Opt – to choose one thing instead of another.


Do you smoke? Do you plan on quitting?

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