Learn English with the News: “Intelligent Furniture!”


The future has arrived: now we have intelligent furniture. Can you imagine? Watch the following news video and find out science’s newest invention!

1. Read the text
2. Understand the vocabulary
3. Watch the video


Everyday tasks – like simply taking off our shoes – most of us take for granted. But the older we get, the more challenging these daily errands often become. This prototype device – described by its makers as an intelligent wardrobe – aims to assist the elderly and infirm perform tasks both routine and potentially life saving.

Thomas Linner is an engineer from the Technical University in Munich where the intelligent wardrobe – called Lisa – is being developed.

– It’s a system which intends to assist elderly people in their daily life. We integrated functions, robotic functions, mechatronic functions, functions to measure the health performance of elderly people, we integrated them in a seamless way into a furniture or wall element.

It’s equipped with a touch screen which can inform its owner about weather, public transport and work out directions. It will even remind them if they’ve forgotten their keys or glasses, and can measure the health parameters of its owner, like weight and blood pressure, which can be sent wirelesly to their doctor.

Thomas Linner and his team now have plans to develop further modules for other rooms of the home. And they say younger generations may benefit from what they call an ‘intelligent environment’.

– Of course the younger people tend to like technologies, which are here integrated, a lot of technologies. I think it makes sense to basically adapt this technology to different lifestyles, different generations and not seek particularly for the elderly.

It may still be in the prototype stage, but with populations ageing the world over, the intelligent wardrobe could help keep the door open for people to live longer, more independent lives.


lisaTasks – a piece of work that has been given to someone : a job for someone to do.

Take for granted – to believe or assume that (something) is true or probably true without knowing that it is true.

Errands – a short journey that you take to do or get something.

Device – an object, machine, or piece of equipment that has been made for some special purpose.

Infirm – having a condition of weakness or illness that usually lasts for a long time and is caused especially by old age.

Wardrobe – a room, closet, or chest where clothes are kept.

Assist – to give support or help : to make it easier for someone to do something or for something to happen.

Seamless – moving from one thing to another easily and without any interruptions or problems.

Wireless – not using wires to send and receive electronic signals : sending and receiving electronic signals by using radio waves.

Integrated – having different parts working together as a unit.

Seek – to search for (someone or something) : to try to find (someone or something).

Ageing – becoming old : no longer young or new.


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