
Good day to you all,

Do you know what a challenge is?

A challenge is a difficult task or problem : something that is hard to do. But when we complete them, we discover we have learned a valuable lesson.

The more we know the more we realize how little we actually understand. It’s inherently challenging and exciting!

And you know the golden rule to grow in your career, in your personal life, in happiness? Seeking.

If Vincent van Gogh waited around for inspiration to strike, we wouldn’t have his incredible body of work to appreciate and he would have been even more unfulfilled. No matter what you do in life, you’re in need of being creative and seeking inspiration is a never ending quest that requires real diligence.

Challenging yourself to find ways to become inspired is a must.



Inherently – belonging to the basic nature of someone or something.

Seeking – o search for (someone or something) : to try to find (someone or something).

Strike – to occur suddenly.

Quest – a journey made in search of something.

Diligence – careful hard work : continued effort.

So today we ask you… how do YOU challenge yourself?

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