Advanced Grammar – There is, There are in the future

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Welcome to another advanced English class. If you are not sure of your English level, take our test!

This lesson can be found on the ABA English Course Unit 124 “The Opening”. Plus, you will also find speaking exercises, writing exercises, vocabulary exercises and more.

There is and There are in the future

In Unit 28 we learnt all about using “there is” and “there are” in the singular and the plural to say that something exists in the present.

Now, we will see how to use “there will be” in both the singular and the plural to say that something will exist in the future.

For example:

There will be a party on Friday”

There will be 25 people at the meeting”

There will be in the negative

In the negative we use will + not which with contraction becomes “won’t” in all persons.

For example:

There won’t be a party on Friday”

There won’t be many people at the meeting”

There is another type of negative sentence. It is constructed with the verb in the affirmative and the word “no”.

For example:

There will be no party on Friday”

There will be no people at the meeting”

There will be in interrogative sentences

To form questions we put the auxiliary “will” at the beginning of the sentence. Also, notice that we use the word “any” with uncountable nouns and plural countable.

For example:

Will there be any time for a meeting?”

Will there be any people at the party?”

However, we do not use it with singular countable nouns.

To answer these questions, we use “there will” or “there won’t”.

For example:

Will there be a party on Friday?” “There will

Will there be a meeting on Monday?” “There won’t


Well done! You just revised the grammar in Unit 124 of our complete course and learned about “there is” and “there are” in the future.

In Unit 124 “The opening”, you will get to know Tracy and Paula. Find out how they’re going to prepare a great opening exhibition for the famous artist Maximo Troncale.

By watching the ABA Film, you will practice your listening comprehension. Record your voice and compare phrases to improve your speaking and learn how to write correctly. You will also gain fluency by interpreting roles and then you will learn the grammar and new vocabulary.

One comment

  1. I like your course, always funny and precise, never get bored! Thanks!

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